Monday, June 14, 2010

Supernatural power is available to us through the Spirit.

As we further examine the prayers of Paul for believers, we come to Ephesians 3:14 - 19.  This prayer is based on the discouragement and disillusionment that the Ephesians were feeling because of Paul's imprisonment.  Whenever Paul believed that there was something lacking in his own life or in the lives of fellow believers he prayed about it.  What a model Paul is for us; especially in the area of prayer.  So notice in 3:16 how he prays for their inner strength.  We may believe we have an inner person but for most of us we spend way more time on developing and maintaining the outer person over the inner man.  I believe Paul's prayer not only alerts us to this fact but should redirect our focus to increasing our inner strength as much if not more than our outer man.  Also, note that this supernatural power is available to us through the Spirit.  As you and I learn to walk in the Spirit and be filled by the Spirit we will come to realize that strength that we have available to us at any moment.  This prayer for God to strengthen them internally is based on the realization of the Ephesians and you and I that we need to ask for His strengthening.  The words in verse 16 "He may grant you" implies that we acknowledge we need a strength outside ourselves to navigate life and that we know who is the source of that strength - God Himself.  Why would we attempt to strengthen ourselves in other ways when all we have to do is ask our Heavenly Father whom Jesus characterized in the Gospels as the One who desires to give His children good things?  If you are strong in the Lord today seek to maintain that position of spiritual strength and if you are deficient of strength in your inner person, the remedy is only a prayer away.  Let's live today in the strength of God.

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